Islandian sortu zen proiektu hau, bertan egindako ikastaroan. Han ezagutu nituen beste ikastetxe askotako irakasleak eta honi esker, Katalunia, Kroazia eta Txekiako ikastetxe publikoekin batera aritu gara urte honetan Let´s bond izeneko lan batekin.
The story of Tartalo
Once upon a time there was a strange creature in the mountains of the Basque Country. Its name was Tartalo. He was huge, strong and he had only one eye. He lived in a cave and he ate sheep but his favourite food was human beings. In his cave there were a lot of sheep.
One day two brothers went hunting, but a storm started and they decided to take refuge in the cave of Tartalo. The following day when they got up they saw Tartalo. It was an enormous monster and he was invincible. Tartalo ate one of the brothers and he let the other one for the next day. He put a magic ring in the boy`s finger and said to himself “I will eat him tomorrow”. The second brother was still alive, but he was in danger.
The second brother was very brave and needed a plan to escape. His plan was to put a stuck on Tartalo`s unique eye. So at night, when Tartalo went to sleep in the cave the boy finally put the stuck in his eye. Tartalo could still see but not very well. In the morning the boy put some fur of sheep on him. Tartalo was suspicious, so he touched all the sheep one by one he didn’t notice him. In the end the brother had left and he escaped from the cave pretending to be a sheep. But he had the magic ring in his finger and the ring spoke and it said “ I’m here, I’m here” when Tartalo asked “where are you?”.
So Tartalo kept calling the ring “where are you?” and the ring continued giving his location. That’s why the boy had to make it dissappear. In the end, he cut his finger with the ring and threw it down the lake. The giant kept calling “where are you?” and followed the ring in the lake. This is how Tartalo fell into the lake and drowned luckily.
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Ebaluazioarako ere denboratxo bat hartu dugu eta gustura egon garela adierazi diogu elkarri. Ea hurrengo urtean berriro elkartzen garen.